Franca empowers you to select, engage and keep the best people for your team

Screen candidates faster and more accurately

Build an A-team where everyone contributes

Don't lose your best talent


A few brief questions to identify committed candidates


Questions tailored to a candidate’s
behavioral profile


Activities and conversations to better engage your team

Hire and retain the best fit for your team

Franca helps you to hire well rounded teams where everyone can reach their potential

Sales teams that can do everything from cold calls to expert sales

Tech teams that range from big picture to detailed thinkers

Project teams that can inspire change while meeting deadlines

Customer support teams that can talk to a variety of customers

Start-up teams ready for anything


Once out of free beta, we will keep it simple with a flat rate for interviewing candidates

$10 USD

per candidate

Team development will be subscription based with a similarly competitive price.

Register for Free Beta access

Key features

To the point candidate report

Gives brief overview of the candidate’s behavioural preferences, stressors and suggested interview questions.

Short candidate activity

Simple, non-threatening multiple choice questions.  Normally takes 5-15 minutes to complete.


Do candidates see the report?

No, only the recruiter / hiring manager will receive the online report.  As each report has a unique link, the report can be shared via email with other interview panel members or candidates if necessary.

How long is the report?

The report is intentionally kept under two pages to be both succinct and useful during an interview. Each report includes a brief overview of the candidate’s behavioural preferences, stressors and suggested interview questions. 

You do not have to ask all the questions, just pick and choose the ones relevant for the role (e.g. team work, working independently etc). 

Is this a personality profiling tool?

No, franca does not endorse personality profiling tools for recruitment purposes. Personality profiling tools are useful when used by trained professionals who understand the limitations of each tool. 

Although franca is based on the DISC system (a behavioural preference system), it's core function is to provoke useful conversations, not to provide an 'assessment'.  

More generally, DISC can help inform how a person might like to behave, however it does not speak at all to what the person can or cannot do. 

How do you know what questions are valid for the role?

The questions are phrased to be open ended.  The main purpose of these questions is to get more information about candidate’s behavioural flexibility and ability to adjust for different situations. 

The questions are not designed to check domain specific knowledge.

Why do I need a specifically tailored questions for different candidates?

Consider one of the most common interview questions: How do you manage difficult people? “Difficult people” means different things to everyone. For one candidate it means “slow”, for another it means “pedantic”, “fast” or “flaky”.  If you team currently consists of “fast” people, you would never think that “fast” could be defined by someone else as being “difficult”.  

Many behavioural experts estimate that between 70 and 93% of our communication is non-verbal.  As interviews increasingly move online, it is hard to pick up on non-verbal cues. 

This is why franca was created – to ask the questions that allow you to gain more insights about candidates.  

How do you measure EQ and SQ?

To answer this question, first let us define EQ and SQ. 

Emotionally Intelligent (EQ) people understand which tasks or situations either given them energy, or drain energy. They know how structure their work week to ensure they have sufficient mental energy to meet different work demands.

For example, someone who knows that public speaking drains them, will ensure that they are very well prepared before any public speaking appearance, and will not undertake other difficult tasks just before taking the stage. 

Socially Intelligent (SQ) people appreciate that others may have different communication style preferences and are able to adjust their own styles as needed. 

At the moment, there are no accurate tests to measure EQ or SQ as both are extremely situation and internal mood dependent. If you are tired and hungry, it is possibly that your EQ and SQ will be at it's lowest. 

Franca does not score EQ and SQ, instead we suggest questions that invite candidates to reveal how they overcome difficult (to them) situations.  There are also suggestions as to which specific words to listen for in their answers to help identify high EQ/SQ. 


Our mission is to empower team leaders to create awesome, behaviourally balanced teams where all team members can communicate effectively, even though they have different communication preferences.

Our philosophy is that innovation happens when there is a diversity of thinking and when people feel comfortable speaking up, challenging the status quo and making mistakes.